Artificial Intelligence and Design Education: Challenges and implications for animated film creation
Intelligence Artificielle et Enseignement du Design : Défis et Impacts sur la Création des Films d’Animation
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Artificial intelligence
design pedagogy
animated films
design process
creative collaboration
pedagogical methodology
intelligent learning system

How to Cite

HELALI, S., & Mouaddeb, M. N. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Design Education: Challenges and implications for animated film creation. Designer l’Enseignement Enseigner Le Design, (1), 39–58.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the world of design with conversational tools such as ChatGPT and image and video generators such as Midjourney and Runway. These technologies allow digital designers to save time, explore new ideas quickly, and, most importantly, create original content more efficiently. By studying the conceptual and creative mode of innovative and compelling concepts, all of the
The findings are based on the significant impact that AI is having on the field of design, offering designers new perspectives and conjectures both in terms of prolific creation and instructive teaching. This article explores the benefits and challenges of integrating AI into design education, particularly within animation workshops. It examines how AI is redefining design methods, and facilitating graphic research and script creation. However, this integration raises ethical and pragmatic questions, particularly about the impact of AI on human creativity and the ethical challenges associated with its use. Based on an exploratory approach, the study highlights the need to rethink design education by effectively integrating AI into the creative and production process. The central question concerns the significant influence of AI on the creative process of students in
and the adaptation of teaching methods to prepare them for changes in the profession: To what extent can artificial intelligence redefine the creative and teaching process in design education, particularly in animation workshops?
PDF (Français (Canada))


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Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Safa HELALI, Dr.


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